Monday, May 9, 2011

Jewelry Jelly Cood

I wanted to try a pink x blue coordinate. And I realized I haven't worn my Jewelry Jelly very often so I wanted to try out another OTT style :)
I hope you like it!

Outfit breakdown!
Carigan, Wristcuffs: Baby the Stars Shine Bright's
JSK,Headbow: Angelic Pretty's
Socks, Tea Party shoes: Secret shop

Close up of the accessories ^^
Starclips, Rings: 6%DokiDoki
Bracelets: Offbrand
AP Pins: Handmade (not by me though :p)

I'm a gangsta yo! (Just Teasing!)

My boyfriend called me as
the self-timer went off! XD
Until next time!


RurouniInuGirl said...

Gorgeous!! It makes me miss this dress!!! I hope I can get the switching jsk in mint so we can twin!! <3

Lily~Loli~Dolly said...

Awwww! I do want to twin with you dear! <3

クリス said...

Very cute~! I love looking at JJ coords because I own the black version and am trying to imagine my first coord with it.

Also, I think we have the same phone ^O^/

Lily~Loli~Dolly said...

@クリス: I hope you become inspired! I love seeing coords <3

Same phone? High five! :D