Monday, December 19, 2011

Twas the Night Before Christmas

An event with a Christmas but Halloween undertones? I wonder how it goes? Well, I finally got my Black Swan outfit. And had a friend drop me off at Kawaii Good's house then take the train and then took another ride with Evelin. Whew! I even made more friends there like Doll Delight and Mugi Bunny, Automatic Honey and more! Enjoy the pictures :)

Kawaii Goods on the bus! She
looks so cute!
Nadjah and I posing for the camera!
It was the first time we were wearing gothic attire!

Kawaii Goods with Mugi Bunny!
Mugi Bunny eyelashes look so epic!

Mugi Bunny's friends Jane and Doll Delight!
I always so amazed how Doll Delight is very creative!

Stiffany (left) And Ashley (right) look stunning
despite the contrast of styles

She hand-made the dress!
So talented

Dizzy Daisy Lee rocking in
a kodona style!

Ariane also handmade her dress as well
it matches the winter theme well

Tara looking fabulous as usual,
she made the Midnight Theater look good!

Mandie (left) and her friend
pose for a picture ^_^

Henry did a great Gothic Aristocrat attire
He won the prize for
"Best Gothic Theme"!

Lauren knows who to pull off
Twinkle Carnival well!
I almost want this print as well XD

I don't know who this beautiful
young lady is but she had a beautiful cood and
and style!

Evelin (left) who was our ride up there! Thank you so much!
Tani (right) was one of the hostess for the event!

Automatic Honey look stylish as much as
their awesome products they sell!

Jenica looks so wonderful
it reminds me of Jack Skeleton *o*

Sara (right) and Lauren
go well together in this picture <3

I got to meet Jenna (left) for the first time
She was really sweet!
Sara (right) was going for a bittersweet coord which
she pulled off wonderfully!

Until Next Time!


Kawaiigoods said...

awwwwwwwwww.. ^^ i had a great time with you. ^^

MissVermilion said...

What a bunch of great coordinates,all of you looked gorgeous!

Lily~Loli~Dolly said...

@Kawaiigoods: I had fun with you too!!!

@MissVermilion: Thank you so much ^_^